The EMAS Regional Workshops are biennial events designed to provide postgraduate- level and research workers in materials science, material engineering and related subjects, with basic knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of electron probe X-ray microanalysis. The workshops are organised as low budget meetings with lectures on practical and theoretical aspects of EPMA given by internationally recognised experts. The format and content of the meetings are tailored to the needs of the practical microanalyst routinely dealing with problems of instrumental procedures, specimen preparation, data collection and quantification, as well as those of research workers keen to obtain a deeper understanding of the physics underlying X-ray production, measurement and analysis.Past EMAS Regional Workshops were held in Finland (1994), Hungary (1996), Spain (1998), the Czech Republic (2000), Poland (2002), Slovenia (2004), Germany (2006), Italy (2008), The Netherlands (2010), and Italy (2012).
UCAG - the University Centre for Applied Geosciences is a consortium of three universities: Montan Universität Leoben, the Karl Franzes University Graz, and the Graz University of Technology. Thanks to this consortium, a Superprobe JEOL JXA 8200 was installed at the Leoben University in the Eugen F. Stumpfl laboratory in 2007.Because the University of Leoben has an on-going interest in ore deposits, materials sciences, materials physics, metallurgy and ceramics, a special session entitled “rare and noble elements: from ore deposits to high-tech material” will be organized including two technical sessions dedicated to this subject.
Session on mineralogy / geochemistry of ore deposits: