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PROCEEDINGS OF THE EMAS 2000 REGIONAL WORKSHOP "Electron Probe Microanalysis Today - Practical Aspects"4th Regional Workshop in Trest, Czech Republic Edited by: V. Stary, K. Masek, K. Horak Published by the Czech Technical University in Prague ISBN 80-01-02176-9
Table of contents
Invited lectures
Abstracts of the poster presentations
V.V. Andreev: Method of Investigation of Internal Molecular Structure .... 192
N.B. Babushkina, S. A. Malyshev, E. A. Tyavlovskaya: XPS Study of DyxOy Films on InP 193
L Berner, A. Kohn, M. Eizenberg: Determination by EPMA of Composition and Thickness of CO-W-P Thin Layers on Different Substrates 194
J. Bursík, G.C. Weatherly: Characterization of Heterogeneous Structures at Nanometer Level in STEM 195
J. Bursík: Evaluation of Multiple Secondary Phases Volume Fraction in P91 Steel by Means of Analytical TEM 196
J. Chval, J. Stejskal, P. Beran, A. Strejc, V. Sima: The Characterization of BiSrCaCuO Thin Layers Prepared by MOCVD 197
P. Ctibor, B. Kolman, P. Rohan: Chemical and Microstructural Changes in Plasma Sprayed MgTiO3-CaTiO3 System During Subsequent Annealing 198
Goran Drazic, Drago Torkar: Asbestos Recognition from TEM-EDXS Spectra Using Artificial Neural Networks 199
R. Drnovsky, M. Michálek: Conditions of Observation of Electrode Masses in Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope 200
Yongchang Fan, Alexander G. Fitzgerald, Phillip John, Clare E. Troupe, John L B. Wilson: Characterisation of Surface Morphology, microstructure and Electronic structure OF MICROWAVE enhanced CVD diamond films 201
M.N. Filippov, T. A. Kuprujanova, 0.I. Lyamina: Simultaneous Determination of Concentration and Form of Presence of Elements in Solids in EPMA 202
M. N. Filippov, E. V. Proskurnina: Determination of Spatial Resolution in Electron Probe Microanalysis with the Use of Extrapolation Technique for the Calibration Curve Construction 203
T. Hrncír, V. Nehasil: Interaction of CO and 02 Molecules with Small Clusters of Rh-Study by Methods of Electron Spectroscopy 204
0. Hutar, I. Müllerová, V. Romanovsky, J. Kánová: Recent Trends in Low Voltage Scanning Electron Microscopy for the Imaging of Semiconductor Devices 205
M. Janecek, J. Macl, P. Palcek: Phase Composition of AZ91 Alloys 206
Drahomíra Janová, Jirí Jan: Topologically Constrained Surface Reconstruction from Bimodal SEM Stereo Image Data 207
V. Johdnek, L Stard, N. Tsud, K. Veltruskd, V. Matolin: CO Adsorption on A1203 Supported Pd Clusters: XPS and TPD Study 208
Jitka Kánová, Ilona Müllerová, Otakar Hutar, Ludek Frank: Measurement of the Critical Energy in the SEM Equipped with the Cathode Lens 209
Yu. G. Kazarinov, V. T. Gritsyna, Yu. N. Sidorenko: Fast Procedure for Treatment of XPS Spectra by Using Optimization in Fourier Space .... 210
S. Kearns, N. Steen: Compositional Controls on Alkali Ion Migration under Electron Bombardment in Volcanic Glasses-Optimum EPMA Operating Conditions 211
F. Kherbouche, B. Poumellec, F. Charpentier, M. Fialin, P. Niay: Chemical Migration During UV Irradiation of Ge Doped SiO2 Optical Fibers .... 212
K. Lawniczak-Jablonska, J. Kachniarz, E. Piskorska: Use of the Valence Line Shape in the Identification of the Epitaxialy Grown Samples Homogeneity 213
Birman I. Losic: A New Model of the Depth Distribution Function @(oz) .. 214
Y. Lykhach, V. Nehasil: Electron Spectroscopy Study of Metal Particle-Gas Molecule Interaction 215
V. Perina, A. Macková, V. Stary, P. Siroky: Comparison Study of Metal Carbide/Nitride Films Using EDX, RBS and ERD 216
V.V. Mitic, L.Z. Mitrovic, M.S. Miljkovic: The Influence of Nb2O5 on Microstructure Characteristics of BaTiO3-Ceramics 217
V.V. Mitic, L.Z. Mitrovic, M.S. Miljkovic: SEM and EDS Analyses of BaTiO3-Ceramics with CaZrO3 218
V. Moroz, K. Masek: RHEED study of noncontinuous oriented films 219
V. Nehasil, Y. Lykhach: Characteristic of Non-Continuous Rh Films by Means of Electron Spectroscopy 220
A. Pogorelov, L Demin, V. Pogorelova: Effect of Dimethylsulfoxide on Intracellular Potassium and Sodium in Cardiomyocyte 221
Z. Samardzija, M. Zeh: SEM and EDS Study of Ceramic Hard Coatings 222
V. Sammelselq, J. Aarik, E. Rauhala, K. Arstila, A. Seppälä, A. Aidla, E. Asari, E. Heikinheimo, L. Niinistö: Comparative Analysis of Thin Metal Oxide Films 223
A. Spalek, V. Brabec, 0. Dragoun, N. Dragounová, M. Rysavy, A. Kovalík: Monte Carlo Calculations of Electron Scattering in Layered Specimens 224
V. Stary, J. Zemek: Comparison of Monte-Carlo Calculation and Experimental Measurement of Electron Backscattering from Solids-Influence of Surface and "Elastic" Electron Energy Losses 225
R. Stoyanchev: Applications of the Method for the Determination of the Phase Fractions in Solid Complex Samples by SEM and EDS 226
D. V. Surnin, D.E. Guy, A.N. Deev, A.N. Maratkanova, Yu. V. Ruts: Electron Spectra Extended Fine Structures and Their Applications for Surface Local Atomic Structure Investigations 227
V. D. Tikhomirova, V. N. Filippov: MICA Composition as an Indicator of Copper Sandstone Ores Forming (Polar Urals) 228
N. Tsud, K. Veltruská, V. Matolín: CO Adsorption on Palladium Model Catalysts: XPS Pd-AI203 Interaction Study 229
E. Valovirta, X. Llovet, E. Heikinheimo: Experimental Determination of Secondary Fluorescence Range 230
R.Kh. Zalavutdinov, Y Dai, A.E. Gorodetsky, A.P. Zakharov: Study of Strained Steel Compatibility with Mercury 231
Lj. Zivkovic, S. Bozkovic, M. Miljkovic: SEM and EDS Characterization of Electroconductive Si3N4-TiN Composites 232