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19 - 22 April 2008 Trieste, Italy
Book of Tutorials & Abstracts
Edited by: G. Tamborini
Table of Contents
- Foreword 5
- European Microbeam Analysis Society: Executive Board 7 Sustaining Companies 9
- EMAS 2008 International Scientific and Local Organising Committees 11
- Workshop programme 13
- Principles of electron probe microanalysis 15
Introduction to EPMA and SEM 17 Hans Dijkstra
Light element analysis. 27 Hans Dijkstra
Introduction to TEM and X-ray microanalysis in the TEM. 37 János Lábár
Basic electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELSZ) in the TEM. 51 János Lábár
Electron probe microanalysis of thin films and multilayers. 63 Xavier Llovet and C. Merlet
Performance characteristics of WDS and EDS detectors. 77 Michael B. Matthews
Sample preparation for EPMA. 109 Silvia Richter and J. Mayer
- Synchrotron-based microanalysis 137
µ-X-ray spectroscopies (XANES, EXAFS). 139 Francesco D’Acapito
Spatially resolved XRF, XAFS, and XRD investigations with micrometre-scale resolution pertaining to nuclear waste disposal. 157
Melissa A. Denecke, B. Brendebach, K. Dardenne, F. Huber, P. Michel, T. Schäfer, J. Rothe, W. De Nolf, K. Janssens, K. Proost, G. Falkenberg, K. Rickers, A. Somogyi, R. Simon and U. Noseck
Synchrotron radiation microscopies (abstract). 169 Burkhard Kaulich
Coherent diffraction imaging: towards single particle imaging using free electron lasers (abstract). 171 Maya Kiskinova
Elettra (Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA) microscopy programmes (abstract). 173 Maya Kiskinova
Synchrotron radiation µ-tomography (abstract). 175 Giuliana Tromba
The impact of new microscopies in cultural heritage studies (abstract). 177 Claudio Tuniz
Introduction to the microanalytical possibilities of synchrotron-radiation (abstract). 179 Laszlo Vincze
Synchrotron microanalysis of cometary particles (abstract). 181 Laszlo Vincze
Use of synchrotron radiation microscopy in food research (abstract). 183 Franco Zanini
- Abstracts of the poster presentations 185