Course Lead - Stuart Kearns (GB), Mike Matthews (GB), and Fernanda Guimarães (PO).
First run - Porto, European Workshop, 2013
An Introduction to EPMAA one-day short course to introduce the physical and practical methods of EPMA. The course is delivered as a series of on-instrument demonstrations and short lectures. The course is aimed at students and researchers with either no or limited experience of EPMA although some familiarity with basic SEM techniques would be beneficial.The course covers:- Overview of WDS EPMA; Electron beam–solid interaction; Monte Carlo modelling; Characteristics of X-ray detectors in the EPMA (EDS, WDS); Analysis of trace elements; Light element analysis.- Practical demonstrations on a Jeol 8500F EPMA through a series of case studies will introduce students to instrument set-up and spectrometer configuration, qualitative ED/WD scans. Overlap corrections on WDS, primary standard calibration, WD X-ray mapping, and quantitative analysis set-up and automation.